Celebrating Our 85th year as a Garden Club
Signed in as:
Dear Garden Club Friends,
My, how the summer months fly by! Here we are in August already with our first meeting of the new year right around the corner. Yep, that’s right…our first general membership meeting is August 15th. Plan to come early so you can catch up with those friends you haven’t seen in a while and maybe meet some new friends.
I’m confident that you’ll find this year’s programs and special events well worth your time. They promise to be fun and entertaining, and we’ll also learn a bit as we go along. Susan Erickson and Deb Dompke have put a great deal of time and effort into getting everything ready for us, so please, when you see them next, thank them for all their hard work! Speaking of upcoming programs, our August program will be led by Susan as she shares her passion for dahlias. Deb also has many special events planned for the year including, among other things, an Inverness Garden tour, the ever-popular high tea, and a guided-tour of Black Point Estate in Lake Geneva. Dates are still being sorted out so you can expect more information from Deb in the near future.
As you all know, our most important event of the year is the Holiday Luncheon fundraiser. Through this event, GCI has provided financial support to students hoping to pursue careers in environment-related fields. This year’s event will again be held at Medinah Country Club on December 5th with the theme “Sleigh Bells Ring”. It promises to be wonderful start to your holiday season and, I know all the shopping you’ll do will result in some very happy scholarship winners!
Think about the ways you can help make this event bigger and better than ever before. Nancy Kaye and Pam MacGillivray are this year’s co-chairs and they’ll be the first to tell you that our members are the reason this event has been so successful year after year. Whether you volunteer your time or make a financial contribution your support MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE. As in past years, we’re hoping that every Club member will make a contribution of $35 to offset costs. If you’re able to do so, it is greatly appreciated. Nancy and Pam will be your contacts for any donation you would like to make.
One last word about the Holiday Luncheon - now is the time to think about purchasing full tables (11 people maximum per table). Purchasing a table ensures better seating and gives you the opportunity to share the day with your friends. Full table purchasing will be available at the September general membership meeting and must be paid in full at that time. We’ll talk more about this at the August meeting. Individual and small group reservations will be available at the October and November general membership meetings.
Finally, I’d like you all to know that I don’t take leadership of this Club lightly. The Board of Directors and I will do everything we can to make our 85th year the very best. Thank you for your confidence and I look forward to greeting you all soon.
Best wishes,
Judi Ray
President, Garden Club of Inverness